Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I Used To Be Cool

Tonight, as I was giving Niamh a kiss goodnight, she said to me Mama, I have just one question for you before I go to sleep. Its about the ostrich you rode in the race.....

My carefree days riding in ostrich races in South Africa are long gone .
Those overalls lasted me through both pregnancies though.


Katie said...

i love this picture! love it.
Nothing like a little ostrich riding?

p.s.- I've always wondered what your hair used to look like.....

Brooke said...

I think this post deserves to be discussed over a pitcher or 3 of beer. Call me.

AL said...

Next Christmas we will have a favorite outfit from the past contest. Wear this and you will totally win! Curly hair will cinch the prize.

fiona westover said...

Alex, those overalls are gone baby gone! I did a lot of painting in them after their use as maternity wear was over. Then, I realized that there is no appropriate time for me to ever wear overalls again. Perhaps, there never was an appropriate time.
Oh, and curly hair that is dyed apricot in color shouldn't win any prizes either.
Katie, this is what my hair STILL looks like if I don't put some heat and metal to it.
Brooke, we are never to talk about this. NEVER EVER.

Meg said...

Were you not getting enough attention with the hair and the overalls? You had to throw in the ostrich? GRRRL, you must have been batting the boys away left and right. Or running them over with your giant ostrich.

fiona westover said...

Meg, you kill me.