Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Last Day of Soccer
Today was the last soccer practice of the 6 week class for Niamh and Finn. For whatever reason, Finn has become more adverse to playing each week. It started with him just sitting on the ball (See Video), then he wanted to stand by me during practice (which I would NOT allow. I get so annoyed with people who coddle their kids and let them get away with that behavior), then he started to inch his way off the field and refuse to go back on. The last of those behaviors earned him a time out at Green Lake standing against one of the trees until the end of practice. Niamh has always continued to play and pay no attention to what Finn is doing because she is getting good attention from the coaches (being one of two girls on the "team" earnes her a teeny bit more attention, which she thrives on). Between practices I really get Finn pumped up for the next one. We practice kicks, we tell him how good he is, we make him think he is having fun. He seems to fall for it and leads me to believe that the next practice will go well. Then, the next practice comes and he is even more a pain in the rear. This last practice today was the most embarrassing public display of my parenting and his stubbornness and Niamh's jealousy I have ever endured.
In the car everyone was just fine. The plan was to finish practice, have a picnic at Green Lake, and play on the playground. It is a GORGEOUS day. Then, we got out of the car and it started right away. Finn wouldn't even walk off the sidewalk. By the time I got him to his team, he was grabbing my leg. Niamh didn't like Finn getting all the attention so she stuck her thumb in her mouth and grabbed my skirt. Are you kidding me? Of course, with Finn's behavior by the tree at the last practice, the parents were all looking at me to see what I was going to do to make today end differently. I told both of them to "Go out there and show me how good you are!" I was Cheerleader Mom. Finn said he wanted a snack. I told him they were for after practice. "But I really want one now", he whined. "NO", I said. That was all it took. He screamed and tears started streaming down his face, snot out of his nose, and we were right back to the tree in full tantrum and pissed off Mom stride. Then, came Niamh. "I don't want to play, I'm shy." Like hell she is. To make a long story shorter than it could be, we picked up our picnic, camera that I brought to take pictures of the momentous last practice, and headed back across the field to the car with both kids' cries getting louder and louder and I muttering, so that only they could hear, all the toys that will be taken away when we get home. Finn has lost his helicopter, bike, and delivery truck. Niamh has lost the 3 stars she had earned for good behavior, bike, and she is not allowed to wear a dress later today. Neither of them are allowed to play outside today, they are confined to their rooms and the hallway and bathroom between their rooms. It could work out fine for me because I won't have to deal with them unless I enter their territory, but we are all missing out on a very sunny day. I hope I never run in to any of those parents. I was completely mortified by my children while every other kid was having a blast. I'm sure this is because my kids eat frozen waffles and watch too much television while all the other kids' parents are probably teaching them sign language and organic gardening in the mornings.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Yum Yum Yum
The last time I made individual pies for the family, they were chicken pot pies. They were NOT a big hit. I think that everyone (including Steve) was expecting dessert for dinner. Today, I redeemed myself. Though Finn made sure his did not have carrots in it before taking a bite, I think they were all satisfied with these personalized apple pies.
I caught Finn on camera sticking his finger in the pie.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
How Was Your Day?
Niamh: Mama, how was your day?
Fiona: It was good, I was just at work.
Niamh: What babies did you take care of?
Fiona: Oh, I took care of one who's lungs are too small and one who has something wrong with his head. (stay with me, this gets better and I won't violate HIPAA.)
Niamh: Did they have hair?
Fiona: Yes.
Niamh: What color?
Fiona: Black and brown.
Niamh: Oh, I don't like those colors.
Fiona: What color hair do you like?
Niamh: I like purple and pink.
Fiona: You aren't born with purple or pink hair.
Niamh: Auntie Alex has pink hair. (Really, it is red. Possibly another reason why Auntie Alex is her favorite.)
Niamh: Who did you take care of yesterday?
Fiona: I took care of a baby with a bad heart.
Niamh: That's not good. (Her tone when saying that was perfect.) Did you have to break open his belly to fix his heart?
So, where does all this interest come from? Is she up at night watching medical mystery shows on television? Possibly, I know she is up at night stealing candy from the high shelves. Hopefully, before she enters college, she will realize that "Princess" is not really a career choice and she might go in to nursing like her mommy.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Hannah Montana no more.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Happy Birthday, Auntie Mary!
Grandpa, Niamh, Cousin Nessa, Uncle Dermot, and Uncle Shawn
Slip N' Slide!
Saggy Bum. This is definitely a Westover trait. No Shaw has problems filling out the bum of a swimsuit.
Cousin Joey (I love this kid. How could you not?)
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
No Interest Whatsoever
(Niamh is in the black pants with pink stripes, Finn is sitting on the ball in the blue pants with white stripes.)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day
Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, Leprechauns, The Tooth Fairy, and The Grocery Fairy
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Moms, They're Always Talking About Poop
On Friday, when I picked them up from daycare, the teachers told me of a funny conversation between Niamh and Finn. Apparently, Finn was in his usual post-dinner stiff as a board position, trying to hold it in. Niamh told him that she has a favorite stall, "the one in the middle", that she uses because every time she goes there, she poops! She was trying to get Finn to use the middle stall as well so that he could experience its magic. She is 5 and she has a favorite bathroom stall. I Love it.
So Much Potential
Niamh Right Brain/Left Brain
Niamh is very artistic. Our walls are covered with drawings and paintings of princesses, flowers, and rainbows.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Quotes of the Day
Finn- "Sorry I put a hole in your floor."
Niamh- "My friend at school got hitted by a car on his forehead and it was really bloody. I think I saw his brain a little. Can we send him a card that says 'Love, Niamh' because I can't remember his name?"
Niamh- whispering "Finn, I know where there's candy, it's a secret." Finn- "I WANT SOME CANDY! MAMA, CAN WE HAVE SOME CANDY?"
Finn- "Hold on hold on I'm getting lipstick on."
Pee Pee In The Potty
People on the Phone in order of appearance: Daddy, Neighbor Reshma, Grandpa Mattie, Auntie Alex, Uncle Steve, Cousin Cooper, Teacher Char, and Teacher Jackie...just in case you want to skip to your part.
Note: Check out all the crap food he is eating as his rewards. Good thing he likes chocolate.
Damn you, Megan P, for telling me to be a Blogger. Do you see what time this is posted?
If you ever wonder if you should have more than one, you should see this.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Thanks for the material, Niamh
Niamh is having a fit that her new soccer ball is dirty. It has a grass stain on it. It was hard to convince her to take it out of the house yesterday to kick around outside. She told me she didn't want it to get dirty. Now look what happened, it got a grass stain. She is downstairs in the bathroom scrubbing it clean.