Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Blinded By Love

niamh scary 001

As I was looking for the old Christmas photos, I found this page of pictures I took of Niamh. What was I thinking printing and mounting these as though they were some of her cuter photos? As Steve is sitting next to me he is yelling “Oh My God, she looks like an alien!” She does, she is scrawny, cross-eyed, and maybe a little jaundiced. The yellow wall behind her doesn’t do her any favors. Its no wonder she was a cranky baby, she was starving! Those maternal love hormones must have been working overtime because I’m sure I wouldn’t have chosen her as my own in a room full of happy fat babies, but I still wanted to display these photos in an album for all to see. Yikes!


... said...

hahaha. i love your little yellow cross eyed alien. Sort of muppet looking too?

Meg said...

She is totally a muppet! And I love every muppet part of her...each of her crossed muppet eyes, her muppet alien fingers, and all of her extra muppet bilirubin. Trust me, I look back on pics of Hads all the time and say to Ry...thank God we were sleep deprived because she ain't so purdy in that pic.